
The return of Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage announced on Monday that he will enter the general election race as leader of right-wing populist party Reform UK.

He previously said he would not stand in July’s election – but the former UKIP and Brexit leader has since changed his mind with the potential to “reset” the Conservative party by taking seats that perhaps were once considered safe.

Farage has unsuccessfully stood to be an MP 7 times – and many Tories are worried about how the announcement may split votes in some seats that they are desperately trying to hold onto, or were perhaps traditionally safe, spelling trouble for re-election whether or not Reform win seats of their own.

Let’s take a look and see how the media responded to this unexpected launch.

Nigel Farage’s return means turbulence for the Tories


‘Get ’em Nige!’: Farage is mobbed by supporters as huge crowd watches launch of Reform UK leader’s bid to become an MP – as he hails Clacton-on-Sea as Britain’s ‘most patriotic town’ and warns Tories will pay a ‘big price’ for ‘betraying’ voters

Daily Mail

Nigel Farage outlines exactly how long it will take Reform UK to beat Tories in the polls

Daily Express

Don’t underestimate Faragism this election. He’s a virus infecting UK politics

The Guardian

Nigel Farage must know this election is his last, great chance to reshape Britain

The Telegraph

Don’t split the right-wing vote, Tory begs Farage

The Times

Nigel Farage will try to win votes with cheap stunts – don’t let him

The Independent

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