It goes without saying that the timing of The Teacher is poignant, and as the opening title boldly declares its inspiration from true events, has never been more essential.

But it transcends the specific story of Gilad Shalit, an IDF soldier exchanged for Palestinian prisoners. Building on the broader struggles of life in Palestine, it delves into the perpetual conflict and constant threat of violence and displacement experienced by those that live in the West Bank.

At the heart of the story is Basem (Saleh Bakri), a Palestinian English teacher, whose life intersects with the inescapable political turmoil of his homeland. Navigating the complexities of occupation and resistance, the gradual revealing of his ties to a political group holding a captive echo the larger narrative of Palestinian resilience amidst adversity.

Crucially, director Farah Nabulsi has crafted a tale that is as much a character study as it is a reflection of societal strife. Through Basem’s interactions with his students particularly two young brothers, the film explores themes of loss, justice, and the relentless pursuit of dignity in the face of oppression.

While Basem’s romance with the school’s volunteer-worker Lisa (Imogen Poots) feels somewhat disconnected and forced, Nabulsi nevertheless elegantly unfolds the complex battle of daily life for Palestinians throughout. Courage, loss, love, tragedy, a sham justice system and ongoing battle for basic rights to existence evolve through the day-to-day purchasing of fruit, unexpected demolishment of houses, random police searches, and olive trees set alight with dire consequences.

While it may not hit the heights of a fully gripping drama, the film instead serves up the true, daily human cost of conflict with a devastating rawness that reflects the inescapable continuity of struggling to simply live, learn, and love.

The Glasgow Film Festival runs to March 10.

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