
Tories turn on PM ahead of Rwanda Bill push

Media outlets ran headlines on Rishi Sunak’s attempts to push through his Rwanda Bill through Parliament.

The proposed legislation would declare Rwanda a safe country and allow the deportation of the UK’s asylum seekers there to go ahead.

The unexpected revolt against the Bill was covered differently depending on whether or not papers lean to the left or right.

Unless otherwise linked, headlines are front pages on January 17 2024.

Sunak suffers heavy blow as Tory Rwanda revolt swells

Financial Times

Now will 60 Tory rebels sink PM’s boat bill tonight? And give Starmer a big helping hand into No. 10

Daily Mail

PM faces revolt on Rwanda plans as senior Tories quit

The Guardian

Sixty Tories turn on PM in Rwanda rebellion

The Daily Telegraph

Rwanda rebellion is an assault on Sunak’s authority


Tory MPs must remember that the Rwanda Bill is the best shot at getting a grip on our borders

The Sun

Sunak hit by resignations and biggest rebellion yet

The Times

Top Tories quit in protest as Sunak sees off Rwanda rebels


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