
Rishi Sunak considers restructuring key green policies

Rishi Sunak is reportedly considering a major shift in the government’s commitments to green policies.

According to the documents seen by the BBC, changes could include pushing back banning the sale of new diesel and petrol cars; reducing the percentage of phased out gas boiler installation; and further delaying the ban on off-grid oil boilers.

The Prime Minister is expected to outline the specifics changes later this week.

He reassured that the government remains committed to its international climate agreements and achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – but in a “more proportionate way”.

He said, “For too many years politicians in governments of all stripes have not been honest about costs and trade-offs. Instead they have taken the easy way out, saying we can have it all. This realism doesn’t mean losing our ambition or abandoning our commitments. Far from it. I am proud that Britain is leading the world on climate change.”

Sunak has been under fire recently over changes to green policies, and the potential plan has renewed a split within the Conservative Party itself and deepened divisions with the Labour Party.

Conservative peer Lord Zac Goldsmith said, “[Sunak’s] short stint as PM will be remembered as the moment the UK turned its back on the world and on future generations. A moment of shame.”

Left-wing outlets, who are generally more climate conscious than right-wing publications, have started to utilise the divide in the Conservative party over Sunak’s policy changes as an indication of a weakening party as discussions of the general election begin to surface. Right-wing publications were divided amongst themselves, as tabloids rallied behind Sunak, while the broadsheets focused on the financial implications for homeowners and businesses.

Senior Tories express unease over Sunak’s intention to roll back climate policies

The Guardian

Rishi Sunak prepares to water down UK green measures

Financial Times

Rishi Sunak to DELAY ‘bankrupting’ ban on petrol & diesel car sales in huge win for The Sun’s Give Us A Brake campaign

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Net zero backtrack ‘would be Sunak’s greatest mistake as PM’

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What Rishi Sunak’s green U-turn means for YOU: Drivers can still buy new petrol and diesel cars and homeowners don’t need to rush to gas boiler upgrades – but eco rollback sparks fury from businesses who have sunk billions into electric vehicles

Daily Mail

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