
PMQs: Truss insists against spending cuts

During Prime Minister’s Questions, Liz Truss insisted she “had no plans to make any cuts to public spending, but will ensure the government will “spend public money well”.

The Prime Minister was asked by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer if she intended to stick to a pledge made during her leadership contest: “the Prime Minister said ‘I’m very clear, I’m not planning public spending reductions’. Is she going to stick to that?”

Truss replied, “Absolutely.”

The IFS warned yesterday that “fiscal tightening: of £62 billion would be needed by 2026-27 in order to bring down debt and fill in the gaps caused by Truss’ tax cuts. Despite the bleak economic outlook, pro-Truss publications penned a positive spin that attempted to relieve the doom and gloom.

The Tories should cherish the opportunity to cut spending

The Telegraph

Liz Truss promises NO cuts despite ‘£60bn needed’ as Keir Starmer blasts her ‘madness’


Truss rules out slashing spending to fund tax cuts in risky revelation – FTSE 100 drops


Liz Truss vows she WON’T cut public spending despite ‘£60bn black hole’ in finances, defends mini-Budget after market chaos, and flip-flops on banning no-fault evictions during bruising PMQs

Daily Mail

Liz Truss ‘absolutely’ rules out spending cuts

The Times

How significant is Liz Truss’s pledge on public spending cuts?

While the PM’s announcement feels like a big deal, in reality the situation is complication and caution is required.

Sky News

Liz Truss vows NO public spending cuts despite huge borrowing as experts warn £60bn slash needed

The Sun

PMQs: Liz Truss pledges no public spending cuts as she defends mini-budget


No 10 warns of ‘difficult decisions’ on public spending despite Truss’s vow to avoid cuts

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