
Papers tackle Partygate report

The release of the Partygate report by the Privileges Committee found the former prime minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over whether Covid lockdown rules were broken in Downing Street gatherings.

Following his resignation statement, the findings of the report dominated front page headlines in the media, with right-wing publications still managing to rally behind Johnson while left-wing outlets and centrist broadsheets adopted more damning coverage.

Tory revolt over ‘vindictive’ bid to banish Boris:

MPs and grassroots activists left furious after ‘spiteful’ Partygate report calls for ex-PM to be effectively barred from Parliament

Daily Mail

The verdict on Johnson:

  • Misled parliament
  • Undermined democracy
  • Complicit in abuse of MPs

The Guardian

The most spiteful stitch-up in history of politics

Daily Express

Boris the Liar: he can run but he can’t hide


Assassination blast by Boris

The Sun

He’ll tell you it’s a witch-hunt…
He’ll tell you it’s democracy betrayed…
He’ll tell you he did nothing wrong…
But just one word tells his story…


Johnson allies vow to oust MPs who vote for his censure

Daily Telegraph

End of the road for Johnson

The Times

Johnson’s repeated lies to MPs condemned in searing report

Financial Times

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