
Nadhim Zahawi sacked by PM

Nadhim Zahawi was sacked Sunday as Tory party chairman following an investigation into his tax affairs launched 6 months ago that led to a multi-million pound settlement with HMRC and an additional 30% penalty. HMRC launched the investigation to examine whether or not Zahawi had avoided tax payments by using an offshore company to hold shares in YouGov.

The prime minister’s ethics adviser, Sir Laurie Magnus, determined that he had been in serious breach of the ministerial code, and Sunak subsequently sacked Zahawi. However, it is still currently unknown how long Zahawi’s interactions with HMRC went undeclared.

Left-wing media were largely dismayed at how long it took to reach a conclusion as well as the apparent attempts to cover up the tax probe by HMRC. Right-wing outlets opted to focus on the unfairness of Zahawi’s defense hearing and praise for Sunak’s decision to fire him – but surprisingly, some right-wing tabloids seemed to take a more left-leaning approach.

Many also criticised the way Sunak handled the investigation, noting how he pledged to renew the importance of honesty and integrity in the Tory party.

Tories engulfed by sleaze as Rishi Sunak branded ‘weak’ over Nadhim Zahawi sacking

The Mirror

Nadhim Zahawi sacked by Rishi Sunak without a fair hearing, say allies

Daily Telegraph

There’s no sugar-coating the Nadhim Zahawi calamity for the Tories – it’s right that he’s gone

The Sun

To understand the Zahawi story and Tory sleaze, look no further than Britain’s posh cliques

The Guardian


A brutal sacking but Nadhim Zahawi had to go

Daily Mail

Nadhim Zahawi sacked: Rishi Sunak declares zero tolerance on rule-breaking

The Times

The Times also ran an accompanying piece that is suggestive of a more sympathetic stance and appears to attempt to defend Zahawi.

Furious Nadhim Zahawi may publish his own account of tax affairs

The Times

PM insists he ‘acted pretty decisively’ over Zahawi tax affairs


Tories were irritated and angered by Zahawi tax row – what has now emerged makes optics even worse

Sky News


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