
Media responds to Johnson’s MP resignation

Boris Johnson made the snap decision to immediately stand down as a Conservative MP following the result of the Partygate report.

The committee concluded that he misled the House of Commons repeatedly following denials around breaches of Covid-19 restrictions at Downing Street and other government offices, particularly between May 202 and January 2021. The report states that Johnson’s “personal knowledge of breaches”, along with “repeated failures pro-actively to investigate” them, amounted to “a deliberate closing of his mind” to the facts.

“Someone who is repeatedly reckless and continues to deny that which is patent is a person whose conduct is sufficient to demonstrate intent,” the committee said.

The committee recommended a 90-day suspension on the basis of:

  • deliberately misleading the House of Commons
  • deliberately misleading the committee
  • breaching confidence
  • impugning the committee and thereby undermining the democratic process of the House
  • being complicit in the campaign of abuse and attempted intimidation of the committee

In response, Johnson resigned with a statement, that said,

I have received a letter from the privileges committee making it clear – much to my amazement – that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of parliament.

They have still not produced a shred of evidence that I knowingly or recklessly misled the Commons.


I did not lie, and I believe that in their hearts the Committee know it.

Here’s how the papers covered the announcement. Unless otherwise linked, headlines are front page stories on June 10 2023.

Boris: I’ve been forced out by a witch-hunt

-Ex-PM quits as MP with blast at ‘kangaroo court’
-He says his ousting sets a ‘dangerous and unsettling precedent’
-Claims ‘political hitjob’ is revenge for Brexit
-And attacks Tories for ‘endlessly’ putting up tax

Daily Mail

The party’s over now: Johnson quits as MP

The Times

Furious Boris quits as MP and blames Tory ‘witch-hunt’


Boris quits! ‘Kangaroo court forces me out’

Daily Express

Boris Johnson a ‘coward’ for quitting to avoid byelection, says Angela Rayner

The Guardian

Johnson quits as MP over partygate

The Telegraph

Johnson quits over Partygate: deluded Tory claims he has been forced out… after seeing Commons report


Boris Johnson quits with parting shot at panel investigating him – and criticises Rishi Sunak

Sky News


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