
Media and Sunak respond to military chief’s Army draft comments

In an address to the International Armoured Vehicles conference in Twickenham on Wednesday, head of the British army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, said the UK needed a military that could grow quickly.

“Within the next three years, it must be credible to talk of a British Army of 120,000, folding in our reserve and strategic reserve. But that’s not enough,” he said.

Currently, the British Army is the smallest its been for centuries – and General Sanders stressed the need to “train and equip” a citizen army and “mobilise the nation” in the event of war with Russia.

The General’s speech came shortly after a NATO military official warned that the public should be prepared for war with Russia in the next 20 years. Admiral Rob Bauer said nations needed to be prepared to consider “mobilisation, reservists or conscription”.
However, General Sanders does not directly support conscription, but does believe there should be a “shift” in the mindset of the British public, who should prepare for the possibility of war with Russia.
The Prime Minister responded to the remarks made by General Sanders – and following media frenzy – through an official Downing Street spokesman.
He said, “The British military has a proud position of being a voluntary force. As I say, there’s no plan for conscription.”

A Whitehall source on Wednesday night told The Times that the training of Ukrainian civilians on British soil could go on to become a “mission rehearsal” to train people across the UK to follow suit.

And General Lord Dannatt, the former head of the Army, said General Sanders was right to raise a scenario in which “if push comes to shove, as a population, we will all have to get involved and harness the manpower of the nation”.

Let’s see how media outlets have covered the story – and who determined was ‘forced’ to do what.

Sunak forced to rule out conscription as Russia war threat rises

The Telegraph

and somehow managing to bring in wokery in a comment piece

War with Russia is coming. Britain is determined to lose:
Our Armed Forces are no longer fit to fight. They’ve been hollowed out by budget cuts and wokery

The Telegraph

Army chief says people of UK are ‘prewar generation’ who must be ready to fight Russia

The Guardian

No10 steps in after Army warns ordinary Brits will be called up to fight if UK goes to war

The Mirror

How would a ‘citizen army’ work in Britain?

The Times

Your country NEEDS You! How millions were sent to fight in WWI and WWII after conscription was introduced – as Army chief issues rallying call to ‘mobilise the nation’ in face of Russian threat

Daily Mail

PM’s rebuke to Army chief who warned British conscripts may be needed for ‘citizen army’ to fight future war with Russia


Britain DOES need ‘citizen army’: Military experts back Army chief’s call amid row with No10


‘I’m a UK Army veteran – WW3 conscription is exactly what entitled Gen Z need’

Daily Express

BRITAIN NEEDS YOU: ‘Starved’ military NEEDS Brits to be conscripted for WW3 ex-Admiral warns after Army chief calls for ‘mobilisation plan’

The Sun

No10 forced to issue statement on conscription after fears of military call up

GB News

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