
Labour reopens gender transition debate following new plans

Labour has proposed plans to “simplify” the gender change process by permitting a single family doctor to authorize the decision.

Under Keir Starmer’s government, the plan would eliminate the need for a panel of doctors to approve a gender recognition case, allowing a single family doctor to make the decision instead.

The Times reported that one option under consideration is allowing a GP to be the approving doctor, while Labour would also remove a spouse’s ability to object to the change.

The Gender Recognition Reform Bill was overwhelmingly passed by MSPs at Holyrood in December 2022. However, the UK Government subsequently blocked it from becoming law through a Section 35 order, a move that the Court of Session ruled as lawful last year.

Anneliese Dodds, the shadow women and equalities secretary, said “We believe everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. We want to see the process for gender recognition modernised, while protecting single sex space for biological women. This means stripping out the futile and dehumanising parts of the process for obtaining a gender ­recognition certificate, while retaining important safeguards.”

Some right-wing outlets have accused Labour of having a “woman problem”, while left-wing outlets largely did not report on the story at all (at the time of writing).

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