
Johnson survives confidence vote

On 6 June 2022 a vote of confidence was held on Boris Johnson’s leadership of the Conservative Party. Johnson won the vote with the support of 211 Conservative members of Parliament, 59% of the total. Out of 359 MPs, 148 voted against him.

The media spin on the result led to an inevitable bias over one of the most controversial Prime Ministers the UK has ever had.

Left publications took the angle of a win reflecting a persistent electoral problem within the party that could eventually lead to Conservative overthrow, as well as the possibility of a second vote.


Rebel Tories plan ‘vote strikes’ to capitalise on PM’s weakened position

The Guardian

Boris Johnson ‘hasn’t got enough fight’ for next election, his own strategist fears


Tory MP who voted to oust Boris Johnson says ‘this is not over’ after confidence vote


Right-leaning and centrist publications delivered more impartial, pragmatic discussions around the reality of division within the party and where that could lead in terms of leadership, Conservative support, the surrounding political implications, and what is necessary for improvement.

Confidence vote: Boris Johnson narrowly survives, losing support of 148 Tory MPs

The Times

Boris Johnson wins confidence vote but hollow victory could tear the Tories apart

The Telegraph

Weakened Boris Johnson scrapes through after damaging confidence vote:

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Financial Times

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