
Did Labour ignore its own research on winter fuel cuts?

The weekend’s main headlines questioned Labour’s proposed cuts to winter fuel payments, taking on division within the Labour party, Tory criticism, and speculation on research that suggests thousands of pensioners could die or face hardship.

Labour has previously said the government will have to take difficult decisions, blaming an inherited “£22bn black hole“.

MPs will debate the planned cuts on Tuesday, ahead of a vote.

Unless linked, headlines are from front pages on September 8 2024.

Labour said cutting OAP winter fuel cash could kill 4,000

Daily Mail

  • Context is needed. This is based on research conducted in 2017 and published during the election campaign when Jeremy Corbyn led the party.
  • It was then-prime minister Theresa May and the Conservative party who proposed means testing (but did not follow through) and said payments would be cut from all but the poorest pensioners

Streeting ‘not remotely happy’ over winter fuel cuts

Daily Telegraph

Axing of winter fuel payments was ‘cruel planned betrayal’

Daily Express

  • Quotes veteran Tory MP Andrew Rosindell

Ministers consider plan for cheaper energy bills – as Starmer faces winter fuel anger


Starmer to give winter fuel rebels short shrift:
Bullish PM faces bid by peers to block benefit cuts

The Times

Scores of MPs could refuse to back Starmer over cut in fuel payments

The Guardian

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