
Cracks in Israel-US relations as Netanyahu refuses two-state solution

Tensions between Israel and the US have tumbled onto the world stage.

On Thursday, White House national security adviser John Kirby said that the US would not stop working towards a two-state solution to the conflict.

“There will a post-conflict Gaza, no reoccupation of Gaza,” Kirby told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu defiantly responded in a press conference that Israel would continue “until complete victory” in Gaza.

Netanyahu opposed a two-state solution, saying Israel must have control over all land west of the River Jordan – which would include the territory of any future Palestinian state.

Unless linked, headlines are front pages on January 19 2024.

Netanyahu: we will not accept a Palestinian state after Gaza war

The Guardian

Netanyahu Rebuffs U.S. Calls to Start Working Toward Palestinian Statehood

The New York Times

Netanyahu tells the US he opposes a two-state solution

The Telegraph

Netanyahu publicly rejects US push for Palestinian state


Netanyahu furiously hits back at US for suggesting there must be a Palestinian state after the Gaza war – as he warns Biden ‘don’t try coerce us into endangering Israel’

Daily Mail

Netanyahu says he told the US that he opposes a Palestinian state in any postwar scenario

The Washington Post

Binyamin Netanyahu rejects US calls to scale back Gaza offensive

The Times

Netanyahu publicly rejects US push for Palestinian state after Gaza war


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