
Braverman defends immigration plans

In an address at the National Conservatism Conference on Monday, the Home Secretary Suella Braverman outlined and defended her ideas on immigration, as well as what some are speculating as a more personalised campaign speech reflecting potential leadership ambitions.

Notable excerpts include Braverman’s reiteration that “it’s not racist for anyone, ethnic minority or otherwise, to want to control our borders,” while giving examples of the “ethnicity of grooming gang perpetrators” and crowbarring in “the fact that 100% of women do not have a penis”.

In what was a clearly oriented-to-appease-the-right-wing address, it’ll be no surprise how the media covered it – right with delight, left feeling bereft (of hope, mostly). It’s interesting to observe how they quotes these outlets chose are a deliberate reflection of their political leaning and social views – which of course, isn’t very unbiased reporting at all.

Unless otherwise linked, headlines are front pages on 16/05/2o23.

Migrants must adopt our values, says Suella Braverman

The Times

Train fruit pickers and lorry drivers to cut migration, says Suella Braverman


Why Suella Braverman thinks immigration is harming Britain – and what the facts say

The Guardian

Suella: White people should not feel guilty

Daily Express

Keir Starmer blasts Suella Braverman for being ‘all talk’ over immigration rant


Suella Braverman attacks Brexit ‘prognosticators of doom’

The Telegraph

Suella’s picking timebomb


Suella Braverman says white people should not feel ‘collective guilt’ over slavery

Daily Mail

Suella Braverman hints at leadership ambitions with unusually personal pitch to Tory right

Sky News

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