
BBC Bias analysed in updated report

Discussion around the BBC’s perceived bias and the government’s decision to sell Channel 4 has reignited debate about bias in the UK media.

According to a newly updated study by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, there has been significant debate about whether the BBC has a “left-leaning group-think” issue, as suggested by government critiques.

Previous of this topic in the past has varied significantly among news outlets.

The Guardian and BBC themselves have often focused on the implications for media independence and public service broadcasting. In contrast, right-leaning outlets like the Telegraph emphasized the need for reform and suggested that these moves are necessary to counteract perceived biases within the BBC​.

Read the full study by the Institute here – and check out some of the previous scrutiny my media outlets below. Biased, or not?

BBC boss defends broadcaster’s impartiality amid ‘storms of social media’

The Guardian

The BBC has given up any pretence of impartiality

The Telegraph

Emma Barnett says BBC on a mission to ‘re-establish meaning of impartiality’ to new generations


BBC impartiality ‘undermined’, says Times columnist

Channel 4

BBC boss claims impartial news is ‘increasingly becoming an affront’ to audiences who feel balanced coverage is ‘an attack on their values’

Daily Mail

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