
Archbishop’s migration comments spark debate

In a rare intervention in the House of Lords, the Archbishop of Canterbury voiced opinions denouncing the governments’ Rwanda migration bill.

In a stand-off with Rishi Sunak, he warned that the policy is “isolationist”, “morally unacceptable and politically impractical”, heeding caution that it would damage UK interests at home and abroad.

Left-wing and more liberal papers have been strongly against the bill, while right-leaning outlets have expressed predictable support thus far. A similar pattern of sentiment was reflected once again in Thursday’s headlines.

Unless otherwise linked, headlines are from print editions of publications on 11 May 2023.

‘Morally unacceptable’: Welby in stinging attack on migration bill

The Guardian

Your attack on small boats law is ‘wrong’, Archbishop

Daily Express

Migration bill ‘morally unacceptable’, archbishop says


Archbishop of Canterbury sparks fury after attacking Government’s plans to curb illegal migration

The Sun

Archbishop of Canterbury savages ‘morally unacceptable’ Tory small boats bill


What’s so moral about not stopping people smugglers?

Daily Mail

Arch Enemies:  Church leader calls Rwanda migration bill ‘morally unacceptable’ in face-off with PM


Justin Welby is ‘wrong’ to condemn Illegal Migration Bill as ‘morally unacceptable’

The Telegraph

Illegal Migration Bill has ‘too many problems for one speech’ – Archbishop of Canterbury

Sky News

The Archbishop of Canterbury is clearly sincere in his objection to legislation intended to stop small boat crossings. But, like other critics, he offers no convincing alternative

The Times view on Justin Welby’s Rwanda stance: Real World

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