Tim Burton, renowned for his distinctive style blending the comically grotesque with the endearingly misfit, has been a creative force behind some of the most acclaimed films over the past four decades. This major exhibition invites visitors into his imaginative world, showcasing the design and evolution of his unique aesthetic. While best known for his cinematic achievements, the exhibition will highlight the breadth of his work as an illustrator, painter, photographer, and author, as well as his key collaborations with designers.

As a multi-disciplinary artist, Burton’s creations transcend traditional mediums and formats. The collection, drawn from his personal archive, spans his artistic journey from childhood to the present. It features drawings, paintings, photographs, sketchbooks, moving-image works, sculptural installations, and set and costume designs, all centered around the recurring visual themes and motifs that define his characters and worlds.

This exhibition marks the final stop in a decade-long global tour and will be its only showing in the UK.

The World of Tim Burtonopens on October 25 to December 20 at London’s Design Museum.
Header: Surrounded, 1996,  © Tim Burton, courtesy press Design Museum

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