The Alter Space is a new studio launching its first exhibition with a group show formed of a wide range artists from different backgrounds.

Aptly titled Prologue, this gathering of artists encompasses those at every stage of their creative journey. Emerging artists, embarking on their first foray into the European art scene, are set to introduce fresh perspectives and innovative techniques to captivate the audience.

Tin an, Tik Ka

Emerging talents bring a youthful exuberance and experimental spirit that is sure to spark conversations and redefine artistic direction of the gallery space, as they hang alongside a carefully curated selection of well-established artists who have graced the halls of major museums and galleries around the world.

The emphasis is on simplicity without sacrificing depth, and Prologue curates an array of artworks that are designed to be easily comprehensible and relatable. By shunning complexity for clarity, the show aims to create an inclusive environment where art is a source of enjoyment, dialogue and enrichment for everyone.

営業風雲録 田中悟 (Records of a Salaryman – Sogo Tanaka), Shisamu Iwase

The featured works provide a visual narrative that invites viewers to connect, appreciate, and engage, regardless of their art expertise.

It serves as an exciting introduction to the gallery’s direction and taste:

“Our vision to alter the European art scene by introducing exciting contemporary artwork from around the world, particularly from emerging artists in Asia, is commendable. It has the potential to bring about a positive shift in the European art scene, promote diversity, and foster cultural exchange and collaboration.”


The Alter Space
Unit2B, 63-65 Princelet Street

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