Forms of Life is an ongoing exhibition at the Tate Modern, exploring the powerful and influential works of the artists Hilma Af Klint and Piet Mondrian. It is in its final weeks, and will close on September 3.

Both artists shared an interest in new ideas of scientific discovery, spirituality and philosophy. Af Klint was also a medium, and this exhibition showcases the large-scale, otherworldly paintings she believed were commissioned by higher powers.

Best known for his abstract work, Mondrian in fact began his career – like af Klint – as a landscape painter. Alongside Mondrian’s abstract compositions, you will see the rarely exhibited paintings of flowers he continued to create throughout his life. Also on display will be enigmatic works by af Klint in which natural forms become a pathway to abstraction.

It is a unique and enchanting exhibition that highlights an unexpected motivation behind works that couldn’t appear to be more different in their approach. Nevertheless, the vision beneath was a shared desire to understand the forces behind life on earth.

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