
The xx are working on new fourth album

The xx are working on a new album, according to founding member Romy Madley Croft, in a report by the NME.

Romy, Jamie xx and Oliver Sim haven’t released a full-length album since 2017’s I See You.

Asked about what it’s like to be back working with her bandmates, Romy said,

“I think Oliver [Sim] and Jamie [xx] and I have all tried new things and learned a lot from different projects and I think that’s quite healthy to be like, ‘What have you learned? What should we do now?’ And I think it’s quite wide open and it’s exciting to be starting again in a way. But we’ve started making some music and I’m really excited about it.”

In terms of what to expect from the long-awaited record, Romy added, “It’s still pretty early [but] I still think you’ll be able to tell it’s us but I think we’re excited to move it on and keep it feeling fresh.”

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