
Review: Tristan Arp – End of a Line or Part of a Circle?

Tristan Arp’s latest release concerns itself with the breakdown and rebuilding of structure, the infinite possibilities of interconnecting sound, rhythm, and form. It is club but not club; it is primal but innovative, it is unpredictable yet seamless.

End of a Line or Part of a Circle? plays with time to embody the cycles of life and experience itself, and the shifting perspectives that come with zooming out from a human lens.

Take Panspecies Rights, which imagines the sound of every life form rising up in protest, while the title track as well as Branching Streams outline a snaking labyrinth of musical paths and plot twists.

It’s intricate and random in it’s jagged smoothness, and embraces an instantly enjoyable mischievousness that characteristic of Arp’s range as a producer.

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