Moodboard: South London Ordnance
In the very near future (19th of May, to be precise), South London Ordnance is going to release his second EP with Hotflush Recordings.
Contact is going to be an extended four-track EP, which, according to the press release, is going to showcase artist’s ability to create a brooding atmosphere. The four tracks are bound together by SLO’s signature strong basslines, and, whilst showcasing numerous different influences ranging from the futuristic ‘Contact’ to jungle-influenced ‘Ritual to Romance’, create a unified impression.
Whilst this young UK producer is certainly busy making more and more of a name for himself in the music world (establishing his own label, Aery Metals, amongst other things, undoubtedly kept him well occupied), he did find time to compile a Moodboard for us, sharing his inspirations.
Thomas Albdorf
“Found this guy via a blog on tumblr which featured his work. Innovative compositions and a beautiful finish on the snaps. Arrangement can be such a complex thing to get your head round – you kind of have it or you don’t. It all seemed pretty natural with Thomas’ stuff which draws for both organic, earthy settings and more caustic environments. I hit him up for an image to use on the cover of my Hotflush record and he kindly obliged which was cool.”
Desktop Anxiety
“Beautifully presented online print store featuring zines / books run by an old mate / collaborator – stuff like Talc etc. Kyle actually put together the logo for my label, Aery Metals – he’s got a fantastically keen eye for design and he knows his shit when it comes to space and form etc. Looking forward to doing some more collaborative stuff soon.”
‘Plastic Forks’ by Ted McKeever
“Yeah, this is quite grim. I found this comic at my uncle’s place when I was younger. He was a big Dredd fan – I think it kind of fit into that same canon. It’s about a scientist researching artificial reproduction methods who builds this device that allows the organism in which it’s fitted to reproduce on its own. Anyway – it all goes wrong and the monkeys on whom he’s testing the thing break out and actually fit it to him. Like I say, it’s pretty grotesque, but it’s good shit – the art is fantastically twisted, really screams off the page at you. The imagery and the name have always stayed with me.”
Metal Gear Solid 1 – Psycho Mantis Boss Battle
“I’m not really a “gamer” per se, but I like good art – and the Metal Gear series is good art. Totally immersive interactive series with amazing characters and mind-blowingly tense gameplay. I have run my thumbs raw playing this series across various Playstation platforms. Like I say, I’m not amazingly well versed in gaming – but when I make the claim that this must be one of the best boss battles ever – those in the know usually seem to agree. I’m not going to go into the detail but basically it hinges on Kojima breaking down the Fourth Wall and coming straight into your living room via some truly genius tricks. It’s one of those products where truly innovative thinking meets exquisite real world execution – and these days that kind of stuff is incredibly hard to find.”
Converse All Star Hi Top Black
“I seem to get through an untold amount of these – I think it’s the sticky compound slick of alcohol, sweat and crushed amphetamines that generally covers the floors of most nightclubs that fucks them invariably, but I never seem to stop buying them. It’s just a great shoe – kind of does what it days on the tin – no more no less. I’d probably be doing my mood board a discredit if I didn’t put them on here.”
The Louver Twisting Comb by Kia Utzon-Frank
“A control mechanism rotating strips of flexible material between two slits by pulling or raising a traverse bar module.”
“My friend showed me this – her housemate (Kia) designed it, and I think it’s really cool. I’m always intrigued by products where aesthetically the structure can be modified, and further where the practical application is not immediately clear. In this instance you can colour the “flexible material” how you like, according to how you wish to use it – at which point you ask: is it a blind? Is it a room divider? Is it simply a structure that could be used to give a wall some texture or affect some kind of form to a room? Kind of up to you. Really into this though.”
“I eat these all day every day at the moment. Apparently they’re a “superfood” – I don’t feel massively different, but they taste great.”