
Guest Mix: Memory9

With his dread-filled, sub-terrestrial latest single, ‘The Abyss Within‘, Milan-born producer Memory9 – aka Gadi Sassoon – combines elements of sci-fi escapism, theatrical urgency and unsettling hypnotism. His Aquatic Geometry mix, which we’re bringing you the premiere of today, feels like an elongation of this: a 33-minute deep sea voyage, imbued with wonder, unease and a bounty of treasures hiding in the murk.

Opening on a series of reverberant, blissful echoes, it’s immediately clear why Sassoon chose to title this mix Aquatic Geometry: with each successive breakbeat that enters the fray, he manipulates the mix’s structures a little more, very much in keeping with the way in which light bends as it passes through water. Across the mix, which features the entirety of the Abyss Within EP alongside cuts from Synkro, oneone and DJ Vadim, skewed synths sway like seaweed caught in an undercurrent while snippets of chopped vocals bubble upward like ghostly secrets of the briny deep.

There’s definitely an element of menace at play on Aquatic Geometry too. At times it sounds far more in keeping with Bristolian school of dubstep thought (as opposed to Sassoon’s Milanese heritage), recalling Pinch‘s Underwater Dancehall filtered through a scattering of intermittent breakbeats and woozy atmospherics:

– Alex Cull

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