
Saudia Arabia launches campaign against light itself

Rainbow-coloured toys and clothes have been removed from shops in Saudi Arabia after authorities stated they “promote homosexual colours”.

Same-sex relations are illegal and punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, whose ministry said that colourful toys and clothes contradicted “the Islamic faith and public morals.”

Amongst the items seized were rainbow stripes featured in crayon packets – though not the crayons themselves, which, quite literally, are all the colours of the rainbow.

Saudi officials say they are seizing rainbow colored items because they "promote homosexuality."

The ministry of commerce also tweeted, “Our supervisory teams…seize and confiscate products that contain symbols that contradict normal common sense.”

Of course, common sense would explain that rainbows are a natural meteorological phenomenon, the result of the dispersion of white light. Which begs the question – what would happen if the sun shines after the rain in Riyadh – is the next stage seizing weather itself?

Because by that logic, completely uncontrollable laws of physics, are…homosexual…?


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