
Couple warned of construction site shocked to discover construction site

Lockdown restrictions seem to have had a bigger impact on basic mental faculties than previously expected. Now, even reading words that are directly in front of you has absolutely no impact on logic and reasoning whatsoever.

First we had holidaygoers seemingly surprised by the presence of other people at their destination, and now, one couple was devastated to discover the very thing they were told about was actually true.

Prior to their arrival, a representative called the couple to confirm they had received a letter stating that building work would be taking place around the hotel, to which they said, yes. After turning up at the hotel and seeing the “horrific” scaffolding nearby, for some reason, they were surprised and mortified.

“We were told, but they should have known that we didn’t want the construction there, that people don’t go on holiday for noise and disruption. And they know that! So they should have done something more about it, rather than just inform us.”

When asked why they didn’t go to the beach during the hours when machinery is in use, on their beach holiday, at a hotel that is by the beach, they said:

“We spend the majority of the holiday around the pool area. There are beautiful beaches but I’m not a beach person. I don’t like the sand.”

The couple asked if they could get an early flight home, which another representative offered, only they then didn’t take it, instead staying for the rest of the week under the uninhabitable conditions.

They are now demanding a refund.

What does it even mean to live in a world where you directly explain something and people still expect a different outcome?

Nothing. Nothing has any meaning anymore and we should just let people be perpetually disappointed because they seem to be choosing that route anyway, not least by going on holiday to a beach when they don’t even bloody like beaches.

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