
Brexiteers dumbfounded vote did not stop immigration

Over 28,000 people arrived in the UK last year, more than three times the number crossing the Channel in 2020.

Data from the Home Office showed 299 made the journey in 2018, 1,843 in 2019, and 8,466 in 2020.

“We voted to leave the EU so people would stop coming here and taking our jobs,” an outraged voter lamented.

“I just don’t understand why this is happening,” said another. “We didn’t vote for this.”

“When we voted ‘out’, we were voting to keep everybody out.  The government isn’t listening to the people of this country.”

The highest percentage of those who arrived in the UK were from the European countries of Iran, Iraq, Eritrea and Syria.

Infuriated voters are now pushing a petition to drain the Channel entirely.

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