
As Brexit talks resurface, UK citizens confused about how the hell we’re still in this mess

Brexit is much like a recurring nightmare, or someone you really hate and wish would just go away but keeps showing up at your front door unannounced even though you never told them where you live.

And somehow, the headlines are flooded with the word all over again, while the general public are walking around in a jaded but hypersensitised state of, “oh what, this again?”

For the past seven years, people up and down the UK have been baffled by airport immigration channels, European cheeses still on supermarket shelves, and generally not knowing who or what we are anymore.

When will the hell of it end? Nobody is sure what’s worse anymore: the endless negotiations that do little more than highlight the tantrum throwing tendencies of those in power, the constant infighting of countries within countries, or the complete lack of understanding around where or what the UK even is anymore?

In 2016, a country – or, technically, a significant portion of one out of four countries in a union – decided that the best course of action would be to shoot itself in the foot. Since then, we’ve done little more than argue about the best way to load the gun – and with what.

The future remains uncertain, but we apparently won’t be able to forget the mess of it all any time soon.


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