
Gym member confused by concept of membership after discovering he’s been paying for it

A gym-goer was furious to find that he was paying £103 a month after signing up for a 12 month membership.

“I haven’t been for two and a half months – why am I still paying for a membership?” he bemoaned.

In distress, said member called on an array of accountants, lawyers and the manager of the gym to explain to him why he was paying for anything at all, six months into a contract and his lack of attendance.

“I shouldn’t be paying for the fact that I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever,” he justified.

After months of analysing the one page A4 document, he was surprised to be told that in signing up for a membership he was in fact expected to pay for it, as the contract was a financial agreement.

He said, “I thought I could change my mind just because I felt like it. Although I’m disappointed, I still intend on signing a contract in the new year, renewing my membership there while never going, and complaining about the fact that I’m still having to pay.”


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