
The return of Donald Trump

After months of speculation, Donald Trump has officially launched his campaign to run for US presidency in 2024.

“America’s comeback starts right now,” he said from his club in Palm Beach, Florida. “We were a great and glorious nation. Now we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation.” He also vowed to “make America great and glorious again”, which many humourously tipped to be the new slogan to replace MAGA (make America great again).

Trump’s presidency was one of the most controversial in history, and his announcement reignited the great divide of staunch support or slight across international media.

Trump’s deluded run for the 2024 presidency is his get-out-of-jail card to avoid prosecution


Trump promises to plant American flag on Mars and build nuclear weapon shield
Daily Star

Donald Trump 2024: Six ways running for president will be harder this time



Trump says he’s back to ‘make America great again’ – now prepare for the mother of all fights

Sky News

Donald Trump’s 2024 announcement delights fans as critics hit ‘low energy’ speech

Fox News

It’s interesting to note this is in stark contrast to an article run by Fox News last week which appeared to begin distancing itself from Trump, lauding Florida governor Ron DeSantis as the potential future of the Republican party:

Voting results: Americans are ready to back another Ron in 2024 – DeSantis

It’s possible that the usually Trump-backing Rupert Murdoch owned publications are beginning to be less overt in their support following reports that Murdoch had previously warned Trump any attempt to return to the White House would not be fully backed, instead turning to support for DeSantis.

A senior News Corp source told the i newspaper, “We have been clear with Donald. There have been conversations between them during which Rupert made it clear to Donald that we cannot back another run for the White House.”

However, following Trump’s announcement, it will be interesting to monitor how the narrative changes, if at all.

Trump’s 2024 bid gets harsh reaction among Hill Republicans



Trump’s 2024 announcement was ignored, downplayed on cable TV networks

New York Post

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  • This directly spins the breaking news story at around the same time

America Deserves Better Than Donald Trump

New York Times

‘Make America great and glorious again’: Trump defies Republican critics by officially announcing he IS running for president in 2024 for the third time in front of Melania and Barron – and says U.S. ‘can’t take four more years’ of Biden and the Democrats

Daily Mail

Oh, how Trump has fallen

The Guardian

Can the former president win again?

The Times

MAGA RETURNS: Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential campaign after months of teasing bid to take back the White House

The Sun

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