
Leadership rivalry between Liz Truss and Penny Mordaunt

By Thursday afternoon, only Kemi Badenoch, Penny Mordaunt, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss and Tom Tugendhat remain in the running.

While Mordaunt’s popularity is rising amongst the public after she launched her leadership bid earlier in the week, stating:

  • We’re going to modernize government
  • We’re going to have a tighter cabinet; we’re going to have ministers of state that have clear and timely deliverables, and are powerful and can reach across Whitehall
  • We need to build a modern economy
  • My monetary policy will be on controlling inflation
  • Our supply side reforms will yield a Brexit dividend on investment, infrastructure, incentives and innovation
  • On day one, we are going to slash VAT on fuel at the pump by half
  • We are going to raise income tax thresholds for basic and middle income earners in line with inflation
  • We are going to create personal budgets to allow every child access to their entitlements to subsidized child care at any time prior to them starting full time school
  • We are going to create task forces to get a grip on the crisis…in accessing NHS services and dentists … and vitally, stagnation in house building
  • I want to align government planning cycles with those of business and the charity sector … that will give us huge opportunities to co-fund [and] to do more for our citizens
  • I want to set up social capital pots that MPs themselves can administer … to serve your communities
  • I’m going to remove some of the strains on our armed I’m going to stand up a civil defence force

You can watch the full speech below.

As has been the case with many of the candidates so far, Liz Truss launched her campaign with a pledge to boost the economy through tax cuts.

Media response to the two candidates has been divided. The Guardian published a collective analysis of the Tory leadership race with very little positives to say about either candidate and biased coverage on their policies which have been outlined above:

Penny Mordaunt

Liz Truss

Friday’s media focused on the rivalry between Liz Truss and Penny Mordaunt, with many displaying a narrative preference for either side by focusing on Mordaunt’s standing on transgender issues and her Royal Navy credentials, as well as the implications of Truss’s backing from Brexit negotiator David Frost and lawmaker Suella Braverman.


Boost for Liz Truss in bitter struggle with Penny Mordaunt

The Times

Tory Leader Odds: Mordaunt Surges in Bid to Replace Johnson

Bloomberg UK

MPs should read ANDREW PIERCE’s dossier before voting Penny Mordaunt

Daily Mail

Penny Mordaunt is what the Tories need because she’s brave enough to stay when things get tough


Truss allies deny ‘black ops’ campaign against Mordaunt as campaign heats up

Evening Standard

Penny Mordaunt receives onslaught from Truss’s campaign team

Can former magician’s assistant Penny Mordaunt work her magic in race for No. 10?


Trans debate is not a political issue, insists Penny Mordaunt backer

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