
Employee claims internet damages spiritual energy and requests to work from home – even though that still needs internet

An employee at a health supplement firm has claimed the workplace WiFi ‘adversely affected her spiritual energy’, and requested to work remotely from home to not be surrounded by people and urban life.

Initially she used company funds to purchase a rock with a bulb in it in an attempt to ‘absorb the radiation’, but when this failed (because physics), she fell victim to ‘severe migraines’, ‘struggled to eat or dress’ and was ‘unable to finish sentences without crying’.

These spiritual difficulties could not be treated medically and she insisted she would have to continue working from home as treatment.

She was made redundant when the business liquidated – then sued the company at an employment tribunal for not taking her quest to find the right spiritual crystal to balance her energy seriously enough.

Judge Sarah George concluded: “[Her boss’s treatment] is completely at odds with her description of being continually pressured to work during holidays and generally being treated unreasonably.

“We are quite satisfied that the reason for the dismissal was redundancy.

“We have concluded that she was not disabled by reason of anxiety, mental health issues and/or PTSD during the period relevant for the disability discrimination claim which is March 2018 to December 2018.”

The introvert, who evidently doesn’t enjoy being around people or commuting to an office, did not explain how she would pursue remote work without the use of WiFi – though perhaps astral connection is a possibility.

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