
Lack emotional boundaries? You may be entitled to financial compensation

There are countless ways women resent having to experience feelings and they ought the be paid for it – by some accounts, at least 50

However, below are the top 20 fundamental reasons why women’s assumptions around what people think or want from them leads to emotional burnout, and how they constantly reinforce the same social expectations they want to resist by acting them out and resenting other women with better boundaries who are honest and do not reciprocate in the same way.  

  1. When asked to do a favour for friends and family, like looking after younger children, they do not say they’re unavailable or don’t want to. 
  2. Friends unfairly hoping they can confide in them before submitting a formal request, in writing. 
  3. ‘Casual acquaintances’ doing the same thing.  
  4. Justifying sexual decisions or interests even though nobody asked and the only person who’s truly interested in their partner who wants to please them. 
  5. People asking their opinions and ideas without asking for an invoice first. 
  6. Friends or relatives with physical or mental illness who trust them with their vulnerability by asking for help. 
  7. Working in a job where there are other people. 
  8. Adopting the role of ‘sentimental’ without first having developed the assertiveness of a secure character.  
  9. Censoring themselves for swearing because it’s still 1853. 
  10.  Feeling pressured by other people’s opinions about having/not having children because they self-impose a need to please everybody. By choice. 
  11.  Agonisingly staring into a wardrobe for hours because people care about what clothes they’re wearing.  
  12.  Forcing themselves to have ‘girls nights’ despite not wanting to, instead of saying they’re not feeling up to it and feel frustrated when they have to empathise with the people they love so much. 
  13.  Complaining about stereotypical ‘female’ interests without cultivating any independent interests outside of these stereotypes. 
  14.  Being so uncomfortable with learning from others that anyone explaining anything to them is obviously undermining them. 
  15.  Choosing to participate in the game of ‘hard to get’ instead of simply getting to know someone.  
  16.  Feeling like saying thank you to their partners to make them feel valued and appreciated is too demanding because the guy doesn’t deserve any appreciation whatsoever.  
  17.  Being utterly unable to have healthy conversations with their partners about what turns them on during sex and instead bitterly faking everything and feeling unsatisfied and resentful.  
  18.  Getting angry at men in the early stages of dating for honestly saying they’re also seeing other people to get to know them and pushing for monogamy before knowing their last name instead of walking away if that’s not what they want or just, you know, dating.  
  19.  Being uncertain and silent about what they want and dealing with the exhausting and disappointing reality of their partners not being able to read their minds.  
  20.  Having to go to the gynaecologist while men do not.  

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