Florrie! She’s amazing. You knew that right? If not, watch this immediately with your ears:

Completely amazing, right? When not being the in-house drummer for noted pop factory Xenomania she’s being an amazing pop star, as evidenced by that single, Little White Lies, which is literally out right now this week, so go buy it and support good pop (after sitting on this website for a little while and reading the moodboard she has kindly compiled for us). 

Laurindo Almeda


I came across this video a few years ago and it still blows my mind every time I watch it. He’s such a brilliant musician, and the modern jazz quartet are amazing. So restrained and SO cool. My favourite bit is at the end when you can see everyone is a little bit uncertain about when to stop playing…but it’s like they know instinctively what the others are going to do. It also makes me laugh at how grumpy the presenter is at the beginning!

My Drum Kit


Sometimes known as Betsy the Beast! This is the drum kit I play for my live shows…I love it SO MUCH. It was specially made so I can play standing up and sing at the same time on stage. I’ve played drums since I was 7 and it was drumming that really got me into music, so is a huge part of me and my music. I remember my first drum kit was from Toys R Us and it was teeny! I played my first gig at the school concert dressed as a fish…and ended up not being able to reach the pedals because of my massive tail!

Stripey T-shirts

stripey t-shirts

I think stripey t-shirts must make up half of my wardrobe! When I’m in the studio I like to be comfy so will normally wear jeans, converse and a stripey t-shirt. I’m nearly always late so it’s easy to just throw on in the morning. I think my love of stripes started when I was at college…I had a huge crush on a guy who wore a black and white striped jumper every day!

My Dad

This is a video of my dad when he was in his comedy rock n roll band before I was born. He’s the coolest. He still tries to teach me some of those moves when I go to see him!! Both my parents are quite musical, my dad taught me to play guitar and drove me to years and years of drum lessons. I remember he used to take me down to the Old Duke in Bristol on a school night (“shh don’t tell mum”) and we’d get a diet coke and sit on a bench outside watching the Blues bands through the window.

Cross Country Running


I try and run a few times a week, and more if I have a gig coming up. My shows are quite energetic so it’s really important I can give 100 % and sing 100% too. I’m really lucky to have some amazing countryside around where I live. Sometimes I run listening to music and other times I like the feeling of just being on my own in the middle of a big field with no noise.

My Mad Fat Diary

my mad fat diary

I love this TV show! I think it’s the best thing I’ve seen on TV for ages. The actors are brilliant, the characters are so believable, and it deals with a lot of difficult issues but in a very thoughtful way. It made me laugh and cry… and I hope they do another series one day!

Gorge Du Verdon

gorges du verdon

This is me and my friend Annie, last summer

This is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been in the whole world. It’s a huge gorge in the south of France with alpine water running through it. The water is so blue and literally ICE cold!! You can climb up the rocks and jump in, which is pretty scary but loads of fun. I’ve always been quite a climber, I remember climbing trees when I was little and my mum would be saying “go a bit higher”! Ha!


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I’ve been lucky to have spent quite a bit of time in Paris over the last few years, and it’s just got a really nice feeling about it. I was there for 2 weeks when I was filming the Nina Ricci perfume campaign a few years ago, which was the first time I’d really seen the city properly. I’ve played quite a few shows over there too. My favourite gig ever was at La Maroquinnerie in November 2012. French crowds are always amazing but this was a special one!

Florrie’s new single ‘Little White Lies’ is out this week.

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