Sussex-born Kove first became interested in music production in 2006. Over the course of the following years he honed his skills, producing an electro-pop band before embarking on an adventure into dance music. His introduction came in 2010, after being invited to watch Brookes Brothers in 2010. Enthralled by 170BPM music, he set his sights upon the drum and bass scene, and quickly got noticed by Viper Recordings boss, Futurebound. His first two releases came in 2012, and after veteran Andy C picked up track ‘Iodine’, it soon became a standard on the scene. Having achieved all of this before his mid-twenties, Kove is surely one to watch. His latest release, ‘Gobble/Melisma’ is an eclectic and exciting duo set that is sure to follow in the same vein as his previous releases. We got Kove to compile us a moodboard that explores his personality as well as his influences and interests…


“I’m a metalhead at heart so these guys have been my favourite band for well over 10 years now. They’re a Swedish progressive metal band that draws inspiration from 70’s prog rock. I love the dynamics and variety of their material, for instance, going from straight-up death metal to mellatron-soaked noodling within a few minutes.  After a long day programming beats, it’s good to zone out with something on the other end of spectrum.”

The Beatles – Yellow Submarine (film):

“I was (and still am) a huge Beatles fan growing up, and I got this on VHS when I was a kid. I remember watching it and just thinking how utterly mental the whole thing was. The scene where the hoover monster sucks up the universe to reveal the Nowhere Man is still one of the most bizarre things committed to film.”

My Guitars:
“I started learning guitar at an early age, so have managed to build up quite a collection of them. Guitars have an ability to gain a personality more so than other instruments, especially as the personal preference os the player means each instrument will feel and sound different. Noodling away on a guitar for me is a great way to take myself out of the ‘professional’ side of things, it can be quite therapeutic.”

“If I’m not working I’m normally in the pub. I could wax lyrical about the social aspect of it or something of the like but I just really like a drink.”

Fawlty Towers:

“If you’re on the road by yourself things can sometimes get a bit lonely, especially in foreign countries, so reminders of home are always pleasant, and you can’t get more English than Fawlty Towers. I was introduced as a kid, know it line by line but I still love sticking on an episode.”

Boards of Canada:

“One of the first electronica acts I got into. In terms of creating a vibe, they’re unsurpassed. Their droning glitchy analogue sound can make you realise how sterile a lot of modern electronic music can be.”

Wisborough Green:
“This is where I grew up. If you were to draw a picture of ‘typical English country village’ this would be it – not a lot happens, everyone knows each other and everyone moans about each other whilst drinking warm ale watching a cricket match. But I still love it, it’s home.”

Roger Dean:
He designed nearly all the art for one of my favourite prog bands – YES. His work is nearly all based around these bizarre landscapes and creatures, all on a massive scale. He’s had a bit of a renaissance recently as James Cameron did a damn good job being ‘influenced’ by Dean’s work for Avatar.”

Mötley Crüe – The Dirt (book):
“This is the last book I read. I never really read but I couldn’t put this down. The excess and debauchery on show in The Dirt makes you wonder how any of them came through the other side in one piece. They don’t make ‘em like they used to.”

Musical Theory:
“I had a very formal music education so theory played a massive part in that, as well as my music now as I’m normally thinking in terms of melody and harmony rather than synthesis and sound design.”

Kove’s latest release ‘Gobble/Melisma’ is out now via MTA Records. Watch out for Kove’s next release, ‘Way We Are’.

Alim Kheraj

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